Google unveils its futuristic concept for its planned HQ
As we all know the world of SEO is dictated by one omnipotent monolith, Google. It is their changing algorithms which must be monitored closely if you are to get the best out of your digital marketing strategy.

Hints of an algorithm change

In a SEO Round Table article, Google’s John Mueller dropped ‘a hint’ in a Google+ Hangout meeting that Google may one day use structured mark-ups in their ranking algorithm. John said that:
“Over time, I think it [structured mark-up] is something that might go into the rankings as well. If we can recognize someone is looking for a car, we can say oh well, we have these pages that are marked up with structured data for a car, so probably they are pretty useful in that regard. We don’t have to guess if this page is about a car.”

APP Interstitial

Next this week was an article from the Google Webmasters blog: Google has decided to unfavourably treat pop-ups that prompt you to install an app while you trying to read online content.
They are called app interstitials and the analysis offered online is that it is not a good search experience and can be very frustrating for users who are expecting to see the content of the web page instead of an advert.
After the 1st November, mobile web pages which prompt an app install interstitial as well as hiding content will no longer be considered as a mobile friendly site.

In The Office

Here at MOVE things have been running efficiently and it’s been a great month for us. Summer is coming to an end and the nights are drawing in. However, we are always looking to improve our processes and the tools that we use to do business.
One of them is our website. Our blog was previously hosted on Squarespace but has since been moved to WordPress. This has given the whole team a level of input that they weren’t previously able to have. Also, new animations and some small fixes mean the site now looks better than ever.
Have a great weekend!